Welcome to The Valley of Addiction

Valley of Addiction

The Valley of Addiction is our founder's Trade Mark 'Addiction Treatment by Education' approach to Substance Abuse, Substance Dependency and Family Empowerment.

Since the conception of this 'Relationship' model in 2001, we've watched it grow and taken it into schools, prisons, and treatment facilities in various countries.  And now, we're witnesing its evolution into 180 Degree Mentorship as a very powerful influence on personal devices, and in one-to-one and family Mentorship sessions.

Trade Mark registered in 2007, across UK, Europe, Scandinavia, and South Africa, Colin's approach has reached into every heart that has been exposed to this spiritual, emotional, and psychological, step by step journey towards enlightenment, empowerment, and freedom.

In the firm belief that the most powerful form of therapy for addictions and various other behavioural disorders, is the presentation of an accurate and understandable definition, of the exact nature of any condition. Colin's insights into the human nature have often been described as unusual.

In his relentless search and research into the feelings, attitude, beliefs, and behaviours of countless clients and families, throughout his lengthy career, specific patterns of deterioration became clear.

Assessing and addressing specific spiritual, psychological, and emotional components of character, within every session he sat in, he always noticed how clients were never very far away from a series of stages of ruin that took people and kept people in the Valley. Colin was instintively able to deconstruct each of these components, in each persons process of decline before guiding them to the construction of a recovery pathway.

These are the (Spiritual, Psychological, & Emotional) conditions that made up each persons Valley of Addiction.

Entering The Valley: Deception, Experimentation, Recreation, Escalation, Deterioration

Enduring The Valley: Determination, Intervention, Deflection, Intervention, Submission

Escaping The Valley: Reflection, Depression, Illumination, Liberation, Rehabilitation

"Just as there is much more to an addiction than taking too many drugs too often, there is much much more to a life in recovery than not taking any drugs at all" ~ (Mr. G).

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Entering The Valley


Enduring The Valley


Escaping The Valley

Addiction:   A 3 Dimensional Relationship . . .

Spiritual, Psychological, Emotional. 

Other than babies born with a dependency on the substances that the mother abuses during pregnancy, people are not born as, or destined to become, addicts.

Some treatment models suggest however, that addictions are genetic, which many chemically dependent people secretly relish because that then  exonerates them from taking responsibility and creates a revolving door in and out of relapsing.

Having once been chronically addicted for 12-years, because of the home environment that I came from as a child, I also became a mentor and therapist for 30-years. People born into emotional intelligence, sensitive nurture, and psychological stability, very rarely end up in a lifestyle of addiction or alcoholism, apart from they who carry unresolved trauma.  

Anyone can become chemically dependent, all it needs is  emotional dishonesty and a few dodgey decisions. But here's the good news, anyone can find recovery, all it needs is emotional honesty and a few brave decisions. It really isn't rocket science.

colin portrait

Stage One: Entering The Valley

In my opinion, the foundational self-deception at the root of every addiction is the belief of ‘I won’t get addicted’, triggering a deadly domino effect  … ‘I’m only going to try it.’

(Go to: Addiction Definition Podcast)

At first consumption of the substance, the influence of the substance can be life changing, and this is what distinguishes the users from the abusers, and the abusers from the addicts.

(Go to ‘Statistics’ Podcast).

I eperioment with the subsrance and not only do I like it, the complete lack of any controvacy or consequence tells me there’s nothing to suggest that I am an addict, so I can try it again - Deception, Experimentation, Recreation.

Because of the lack of adverse consequences, we tell ourselves that we can be weekend users. But then, because the drug seems to be losing its strength, we also nconvinceourselves that its perfectly safe to use a little bit more. We fail to see that by increasing the amount each week, we are developing a tolerance level, and so, trying to recreate that first high, we keep increasing.

Because we tend to believe that we're something we're not, we tell ourselves that we could stop at any time, and we then use this (we can stop at any point) rationale, to keep using, and a new psychological default programme develops in us … the more we use, the less we receive, so the more we use ….

As the adverse consequences start to kick in, we try to deny the increasing suspision that ‘this is getting out of hand’, with the same self-deceiving belief that 'we can and will take control by cutting down'  - Escalation, Deterioration, and thats the slide into The Valley.

Stage Two: Enduring The Valley

Consequences start to increase. The substances start to cost more than money.

Finances start to dwindle, as do self-esteem, self-confidence and the respect of life-long friends.

The home atmosphere becomes one of suspicion, arguments, finger pointing and tears.

Promises begin, but the more we promise to stop, because we believe our promises, the worse we feel when we relapse.

The worse we feel, the more substances we use, and the more promises we make. The harder we try, the worse it gets, and the worse it gets, the harder we try, and the more we fail, the more substances we use. Escalation, Deterioration, Determination.

The relationship with the influence of the substance creates a self-sustaining 3 dimentional corrosion effect, spiritually, psychologically and emotionally,  'the worse it gets - the worse it gets.'

When people say we need help, we completely agree with them, but until undeniable evidence of how this 3D corrosion started and the continued, acknowledgements of needing help are ususally smoke screens. Many of us can be so convincing that we even agree to go to treatment as a part of the stage play to get people off our backs.

The danger then, going into treatment too soon and for the wrong reasons, very rarely, if ever works, so then when the times does arrive and we truly want help, we have no faith in treatment.

It's at this point, with these and many more penetrating insights, that 180 Degree Mentorship is exactly what people need, and we have senior recovery and trauma mentors in England, Belgium and South Africa, looking to mentor and to train others into Mentorship.

Stage Three: Escaping The Valley

Unless we identify the exact nature of a problem, whether it’s a virus, an attitude, a faulty engine, or a problem at work, that problem will never lose its power over us.

At my lowest ebb, sitting in a solitary confinement cell over the Christmas and new year period of 1992/93, having not had any outside contact for months, my cell door opened, and the prison officer gave me the news that I had been refused parole, which meant I had another full year 'behind the door' in front of me.

However, as soon as he closed the door, I just sat on my bed and stared at the wall, and a wave of relief washed over me.

Once the uncertainty was removed, a psychological and emotional shift took place within me and I instantly relaxed.

My future was no longer in anyone else’s hands. It was now down to me to navigate the rest of my sentence, and it was from that moment that I started abandoning myths, dreams, and false hopes about myself.  Intervention, Deflection, Submission, Reflection, Depression, Illumination , Liberation 

It was at that moment that I started the search for clarity about the reality of my life, with a determined willingness to embrace all responsibility for my lifestyle, my decisions, and to accept any subsequent consequences. I went so far as to meet with Greater Manchester Police detectives on a prison visit, and told them about every unsolved crime that I could remember committing.

I was fortunate enough to have never been involved in the taking of life, hurting children, the aged, or women, so I was ready to face more jail for my unsolved addiction related crimes that I'd commited if that's what it meant for me to grow.

Six months later, with six months left to serve, I got clean. I came out of prison six months clean and I've been out and clean since.

Seven years later, my search produced The Valley of Addiction, a journey that took me from the heights of military recognotion, to the basement of humanity as a thug, asnd to the pinnacle of the private sector in addiction treatment as a therapist.

So, if you sense that growth has stopped in your recovery and you feel 'stuck,' reach out for mentorship. I will personally and confidentially screen you, we will establish where you are in the valley, and I will take you home.

Mr. G


Drawing from three decades of therapeutic influence, we are proud to present a meticulously crafted 12-month Home Help Intervention Programme.

This professional initiative reflects our commitment to providing impactful and structured therapeutic interventions for clients experiencing substances abuse, chemical dependency, depression, and trauma.

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